
There are multiple scholarships available for students who want to go abroad for their studies. These scholarships managed by Fontys are for different purposes, destinations and studies. On this page you will find an overview of scholarships for which you can apply at Fontys ICT and a link to a website where you can find other scholarships for which you have to apply elsewhere.

  • Erasmus+ Study
  • Erasmus+ International Mobility
  • NL Scholarship (just for a Minor Abroad)

Application and selection procedure Erasmus+ and NL Scholarship

  • Application for Erasmus+ study runs entirely through Mobility Online. After nomination and acceptance of your minor application an Erasmus+ scholarship for EU destinations this is applicable in the MO workflow. 
  • Application for Erasmus+ International Mobility also runs entirely through Mobility Online and applicable in the MO workflow. Please note when you have been selected for Belgium Campus ITVersity South Africa or Chung-Ang University, you are not allowed to apply for a NL Scholarship. 
  • You can apply for the NL Scholarship by email (not via Mobility Online). Conditions and relevant information for your NL Scholarship application can be found in the detailed Fontys ICT application and selection procedure.
    Please collect all required information and documents and send in at once together by e-mail to:

Scholarship for your stay abroad in Europe, in Erasmus countries. Fontys has a budget for Eramus+ Study and Erasmus+ Placement. When you are granted you will receive the scholarship by monthly payments during your stay on strictly conditions/formalities.

NL Scholarship
For a stay abroad outside of Europa (minimum of 3 months and 15 ECTS) Fontys ICT students can apply for a NL Scholarship, just for Study, not for an internship or graduation. This scholarship contents a payment of €2500 in total. The number of available grants at Fontys ICT is limited per academic year and does not count for every Fontys student in general. A selection criteria might be applicable following the institutional selection procedure Fontys ICT.
You do not just receive an NL Scholarship after application!

Please note this scholarship is not applicable for programmes at Belgium Campus South Africa or Chung-Ang University, where Erasmus+ International Mobility applies.

Deadlines outgoing students Fall 2025

Erasmus+ Scholarship Study   24 June 2025
NL Scholarship Program   24 June 2025

More info website Fontys Study Abroad