Farewell meeting outgoing students Fall24


Farewell meeting outgoing students Fall24 

The new group of outgoing students is definitely ready for countdown….

Students are travelling abroad on different times depending the supposed arrival dates at their temporary destination during or after the upcoming Summer break.
Some students will even travel on short term because an early semester start at the host university.
In total about 60 students will travel to foreign countries all over the world for their minor Study Abroad, minor Global Acting in IT or Internship or Graduation Internship Abroad. And we have invited them to support the final matters before they depart and say goodbye for a while. 

The Farewell meeting will partly be combined with Welcome back of outgoing students from this semester. Some students are already back in the Netherlands and will share their experiences in f.e. Norway and Korea with the new group, what to expect and how great this life experience will be. We will learn what the stay abroad has meant for them personally and professionally and the intercultural developments. 
Most others are busy to round-off or still travelling abroad and will be present at the upcoming Welcome back meeting 11 September.    

This community meeting is meant to have contact with other students who go abroad. We will offer a workshop Intercultural Competences to be aware of cultural differences and how to develop their competences during and after their stay abroad.
An Award ceremony NL Scholarship & Scholarship Fontys ICT Global Acting will be part of the programme too. And of course time for practical matters and points of attention, answers on last questions to have sufficient information as luggage before they leave.

The stay abroad during will be a great period with a lot of new knowledge and experiences. Memories will be born!
We look forward to follow their experiences during the upcoming semester. 

“Ready for countdown....”

present students minor Study Abroad                   present students (graduation) internship abroad

workshop intercultural awareness

listening attentively to student experience Salih Işik

granted students scholarship Global Acting in IT, NL Scholarship and Erasmus+ international mobility