Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology

Fact sheet

  • Location
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Number of exchange places
  • 2
  • Travel Advice
  • Green
  • Credit transfer
  • ECTS
  • Summer Semester
  • April-July/August
  • Winter Semester
  • October-February
  • Estimated tuition fees for Fontys ICT Students
  • No fees

Fields of study

  • Technical Computer Science
  • Print and Media Technology
  • Media Informatics

Most courses are in German.

Housing options

Most exchange students choose to live in one of the student dormitories which are run by the Studierendenwerk Berlin. Beuth's International Office can reserve a room for you upon application, and send you the necessary forms. Check more information.



Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology Photo: Berlin University of Applied Sciences Learn more

Did you know?

The campus is located right in the heart of Berlin, in the district of Wedding/Mitte which is easy to reach by the extensive public transport system including subways, busses and city trains.