Plenty of options inside or outside Europe

Minor Abroad

Renewed Fontys website Minor Abroad

The Study Abroad Minor usually takes place at one of Fontys' partner universities. You will create a 30 ECTS study program that fits your needs and interests. For example, you can choose to delve deeper into a specific subject related to your major, but you also have the option to broaden your horizons by selecting courses that are not directly related to your major. Your first point of contact is the Internationalization Coordinator of your own program. A list of these contacts can be found on our website. Please note: If you choose to pursue the Study Abroad Minor, make sure to register for it through ProgressWWW under the Study Abroad Minor!

Select your choices by filtering the Partner list

During your study at Fontys you have the option to take a semester abroad. To do so, you can enrol for the Minor Abroad, enabling you to study at one of our partner universities. You can either choose a Fontyswide partner or a partner Cluster Technology.
See the complete Partner list through the link at the bottom of this page.
Besides that you can consider the minor Global Acting in IT for a semester abroad at different destinations (only in Fall semester).

Fontys Cluster partners Technology

  • Fontys ICT shares mobility agreements with a large number of international partner universities with other Fontys institutes Cluster Technology.
  • Study areas basically in the field of ICT and Engineering.
  • Especially within Europe and increasingly partner universities outside of Europe. 
  • You are pretty sure of placement, due to the large number of partner schools, selection procedure could be necessary for some popular partners. 

Fontyswide Partners

  • Partner contracts have been drawn up at Fontys level for all Fontys students, in multiple study areas.
  • These concern both non-European and European universities.
  • Students of all bachelor programmes are admissable, so at popular Fontyswide partner schools you have a smaller chance of placement.
  • Selection procedure for nomination at an available place is done at a central level.


  • If none of the partner schools suit you, you can also decide to go to a self-chosen foreign university without a Fontys contract. 
  • Choose the educational establishment and programme/subjects in consultation with this school.
  • You also arrange everything yourself, from enrolment and acceptance to aproving the level and quality of education.
  • You often have to pay tuition fees in addition to those of Fontys.

Watch the video to find out more about these options:

“Application and selection in Mobility Online”
Partner list
Application and selection
Minor Global Acting in IT