Smart Industries: Supply Chains in Smart Society

General information


Carl Wolff

Study programme(s):

Specialisation Smart Industries and minor Smart Supply Chain.


Eindhoven, campus Rachelsmolen, R10 building


AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp - Antwerpen, Belgium

University of L’Aquila - L’Aquila, Italy

University of Tartu - Tartu, Estonia

Objectives and Description
The project is about designing and building supply chain solutions using smart technology.

Goal of the project
ICT students will have the opportunity to gain international experience and develop their professional skills. More specifically:

  • international experience where they are introduced to different teaching methods, cultures and technological environments,
  • professional knowledge where they have the opportunity to delve into other ICT-related subjects that are not directly taught with us,
  • networking and collaboration by connecting with students and teachers from other ICT programmes which can lead to valuable professional connections and collaboration opportunities,
  • personal growth by living in a different environment which improves personal development, independence and adaptability as well as language skills, and lastly
  • strengthening intercultural competences by interacting with students and teachers from different backgrounds which allows them to learn more about cultural competences and be better prepared for a globalised labour market.

Methods and outcomes
There will be a project kickoff in Eindhoven 17 - 21 February and students will work in project groups. The last week will be in Italy, L'Aquila, 31 March - 4 April 2025.
In the intervening period, weekly remote group/project work via Teams, a.o..

This international project is a Blended Intensive Programme of Erasmus+ Erasums+ Logo

Virtual Session(s)

Kick-off BIP Supply Chain in Smart Society
Date: Jan 13, 2025
Time: 16:00-17:00

Smart Industries: Supply Chains in Smart Society

Start date: Feb 17, 2025
End date: Feb 21, 2025

Registration form

Note: NOT your PCN but your Student number (7 digits)

Please use your Fontys email address!

Please use your university email address!

The wrap week of the project will be in L’Aquila in Italy 31 March - 4 April 2025.