Innovation - High-tech - Humanity

Fontys International IT Week: How to stay human in a technology driven society?

General information


Marilyn Bailey, Luciënne Wijgergangs

Study programme(s):

for incoming students from partner universities ánd Fontys ICT


Game Design
Smart Mobile
Open Learning

Spring 2025


How to stay human in a technology driven society?

Description of the project
Be aware of developments from the world of creativity, innovation and technology during this international week. Topics like human interaction, ethics, cyber security, gamification, playful interaction. The programme consists of a kick-off, project work, talks, workshops, inspiration sessions and an interactive expo. And also a lot of fun in an amazing educational space!

Goal of the project
Use creativity and knowledge to think about and discuss a creative innovative prototype and solution. Experience in an international triple helix environment. Compete with other project teams. Have fun!



Start date: Mar 10, 2025
End date: Mar 14, 2025
Costs: €300