Blended Intensive Programme ICT & Business

ICT & Business: Transformation from linear to circular economy

General information


Petra Janssen & Lucienne Wijgergangs

Study programme(s):

ICT & Business


Advanced Business
Spring 2025


Oporto Global University - Porto, Portugal

Prague University of Economics - Prague, Czech Republic

EPHEC University College - Brussels, Belgium

Atlantic Technological University - Galway, Ireland

FH Technikum Wien - Vienna, Austria

Riga Technical University - Riga, Latvia

ICT & Business: Multidisciplinary International Project

The ICT & Business Multidisciplinary Project 2025 will be an international challenge in cooperation with 5 foreign partner universities all over Europe.
A week with inspiring workshops and guest lecturers, working on the following interesting project challenge: “Transformation from linear to circular economy". 

Description of the project 

The educational content of the week will be a combination of theory about circular economy and an innovative web-based business simulation game. The game engages students in the transformation from a linear to a circular value chain by implementing a circular strategy for a virtual e-bike manufacturer. Each team runs the business for several (virtual) years. The students must manage and may automate their processes to run the company efficiently.

The programme includes daily lunches, 2 dinners, guest lectures, workshops, excursion and social and cultural activities.

Goals of the international week:

  • International cooperation and awareness
  • Demonstrating entrepreneurial behaviour
  • Interdisciplinary teamwork
  • Fun!

The programme includes:

  • 3 Lunches
  • 2 Dinners
  • Guest lectures
  • Workshops
  • Excursion
  • Social activity




This international project is a Blended Intensive Programme of Erasmus+ Erasums+ Logo
Start date: Mar 24, 2025
End date: Mar 28, 2025