STEM Iceland: The geology behind Geothermal Energy


Kevlavik, Iceland

STEM: Iceland – The geology behind Geothermal Energy
Exclusive for students ICT & Business and ICT & Technology

This is the STEM Working Group’s second pilot project. This project takes the form of a short Field Trip to Iceland to experience the unique changes undergoing the island that contribute to its abundance of geothermal energy production.

With the current and ongoing seismic and volcanic activity this project can bring to life your understanding of the STEM subjects within a very special environment.

Energy Management - Geology - Earth Sciences - Volcanology - Engineering - Technology - Informatics- Environmental Science - Electrical Engineering


Start date: Oct 28, 2024
End date: Oct 30, 2024
Costs: €350
Note: Registration is only possible for students ICT & Business and ICT & Technology

Registration is closed!