Kolding: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Scandinavian context


International Business Academy
Havneparken 1
6000 Kolding

The objective of this course is to deepen students’ interest in innovation and entrepreneurship while providing them with additional knowledge through exposure to a new cultural environment. This includes attending innovation-focused lectures at IBA and visiting companies in industries they might not typically have access to. The course will conclude with an entrepreneurial pitch competition, where students will prepare and present business plans and pitches for their startup ideas to a panel of experts, including successful entrepreneurs.

On September 19th, the participants will meet for a 1.5-hour virtual session. The session will be in the format of a discussion on the topic: The Role of Culture in Shaping Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

For a detailed description of this project, please visit the website IBA Kolding.

Registration is closed!

This international project is a Blended Intensive Programme of Erasmus+ Erasums+ Logo

Virtual Session(s)

The Role of Culture in Shaping Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Date: Sep 19, 2024

Kolding: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Scandinavian context

Start date: Oct 7, 2024
End date: Oct 11, 2024
Costs: €320