Finland, Oulu: FOX project


Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Students from Fontys ICT and Oulu University of Applied Sciences work together on the design and development of a software web application in the FOX project, Fontys Oulu Exchange.

Modern development technologies are selected by the students and used to create a full stack application. After a kick-off visit in Oulu in February where the project idea is agreed and a working plan and an approach is elaborated, the students work from a distance but together on the project. The finishing touches and the end results are presented during a project wrap-up visit at Fontys ICT in April.

Teachers and coaches:
Frank Schurgers (Fontys ICT), Meija Lohiniva (Oulu UAS).


This international project is a Blended Intensive Programme of Erasmus+ Erasums+ Logo
Start date: Feb 3, 2025
End date: Feb 7, 2025
Note: Registration is only possible for students ICT & Software Engineering