Erasmus+ BIP scholarship: how does it work?

If your international week is an Erasmus+ BIP Project, you will be eligible for Erasmus+ funding. This scholarship goes through Fontys. In addition to mandatory registration in MO, the Erasmus process consists of arranging the signing of occurring documents by persons involved at Fontys and the host university. You will be informed about necessary BIP details to apply for this scholarship. 

Please find the full instruction offered by the colleagues of Fontys Study Abroad / Erasmus+ team, either attached as below.
The additional BIP details will be send by e-mail to complete your Erasmus+ application.

Student registration in Mobility Online - Instruction for students

Students must register individually in Mobility Online, and they are responsible themselves for uploading the necessary documents.

Please find the manual through the link on the right and take note of the input by e-mail. The registration link is in the respective step (slide 3).
Mobility Online registration link  
In the first page in Mobility Online please modify the academic year and semester to 2024/2025 and Spring 2025. We did not get a direct link, that is why this modification should be done by you when registering.
With these instructions you can officially register the Erasmus+ BIP. The steps will take you to the Erasmus+ Application and steps for the payment of the Erasmus+ scholarship.
At the Erasmus+ application step you should put in the first day you must be present in the host country till the last day of the project. When you first register it will still show the general semester dates, but you can change the dates in the Erasmus+ application step.

Check your e-mail

For step 3 and 4 out of 10 you need specific input to find in the confirmation e-mail, You must fill in the details in MO.

Input for the Learning Agreement / Course:

  • Title/course title: xxxxx
  • Content/course: xxxxx    
  • The number of ECTS you will get for this BIP3 ECTS, unless otherwise stated

Contact person sending University:

Contact person hosting University:

  • Name: xxxxx
  • Position of this person: xxxxx
  • Email: xxxxx
  • Phone number: xxxxx

Signing documents
Once we have received the Erasmus documents from preferable all participating students, Marilyn will sign as sending institution and forward collected documents to the partner to sign on their side. Then you will get the documents back to upload in MO.  

Hopefully, you can soon finish your registration in MO and follow the workflow to proceed Erasmus+ payments. The Erasmus BIP-ID will be connected in the system a.s.a.p. so if you cannot find this project week when registering in MO yet, please try the next day as it might just have crossed each other.

Questions Erasmus+
General information can be found on the website Fontys Study Abroad - scholarships - Erasmus Short term or BIP:
For questions about the Erasmus application and payments please contact the colleagues of Study Abroad (Erasmus+):