UNICAL - University of Calabria


From Sunday till Thursday: Rende, Calabria, Italy.
From Wednesday to Saturday: Tropea, Calabria, Italy.

UNICAL - University of Calabria
Via Pietro Bucci
87036 Arcavacata
Rende CS

International week: Digitization and Its Economic and Social Impacts
Priority for students ICT & Business and ICT & Media Design

The students will have to develop a business model and a business plan that will need to be performed in the tourism industry, with a focus on Sustainability and Digitization and their Economic and Social Impacts, as well as on Business and Marketing Communication. Additionally, the Startup should operate in various countries, with the aim of promoting intercultural exchange and gaining an understanding of international and multicultural environments.

Each group will be composed of 4/5 students from different countries
The University activities will consist in few theoretical lessons and mainly practical tasks
Activities will take place over 5 mornings, from Monday to Friday
Each group will have to develop the Business Model and Business Plan of a Startup that aims to emerge in the sector of sustainable and digital tourism, focusing on green economy, creativity and cultural exchange.

  • Business Information and Communication Technologies
  • Digitalization and its economic and social impacts
  • Innovation and Digitalization in Tourism
This international project is a Blended Intensive Programme of Erasmus+ Erasums+ Logo

Virtual Session(s)

Date: Oct 19, 2024

UNICAL - University of Calabria

Start date: Sep 28, 2024
End date: Oct 5, 2024

Registration is closed!