International Weeks abroad or Summer School at a partner university

If you want to develop your international and intercultural skills but do not want to go abroad for a semester, a short term programme, an international week or Summer of Winter School, could be a great opportunity!

For more information, requirements and agreements: scroll down!


Registration type

Summer or Winter school

Calabria: Digitization and Its Economic and Social Impacts
Start: Sep 28, 2024 - End: Oct 5, 2024
Copenhagen: KEA Charrette
Start: Oct 7, 2024 - End: Oct 11, 2024
Kolding: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Scandinavian context
Start: Oct 7, 2024 - End: Oct 11, 2024
ISTEC Paris: Blockchain technology and innovative business models
Start: Oct 14, 2024 - End: Oct 18, 2024
EPHEC Brussels: Nego 4.0: Next Gen!
Start: Oct 21, 2024 - End: Oct 25, 2024
STEM Iceland: The geology behind Geothermal Energy
Start: Oct 28, 2024 - End: Oct 30, 2024
SSM Milan: Law week conflict mediation strategies
Start: Nov 5, 2024 - End: Nov 8, 2024
Scotland: Heritage Marketing Scotland
Start: Nov 18, 2024 - End: Nov 21, 2024
Scotland: Whisky Marketing Scotland
Start: Nov 25, 2024 - End: Nov 28, 2024
International IT Weeks abroad in Spring 2024

If you want to develop your international and intercultural skills but do not want to go abroad for a semester, a short term programme, an international week or Summer of Winter School, could be a great opportunity.
Within the Businet-IT network every participating university offers an international week and so they can send students to other universities. See more information below.

You can join an International IT Week at a foreign partner university yearly in the Spring semester. The weeks are organised on several dates, different destinations and subjects in cooperation with partners in the Businet-IT network. Programme of these weeks contents working in project groups on a certain subject and cultural and social activities too.
A great opportunity to learn another language or experience a new culture!
Participating an international week in the concept of the network partner schools is usually possible for students of all levels and study programmes in the field of ICT.
During just a week abroad at a partner university you can develop your knowledge and skills in a week!

  • various themes
  • work in project groups
  • inspiration sessions
  • social and cultural activities 
  • for all students, levels and study programmes

Prices as mentioned on each project page are for:

  • 5 nights including breakfast (exceptionally in Laredo for 3, Rome for 4 and Valencia for 6 nights)
  • accommmodation is not included in Antwerp and Bruges!
  • lunches at the partner university
  • farewell dinner (except Valencia)
  • social and cultural activities
  • project participation
  • traveling costs are not included

Learn more about the projects, the subjects, dates per international week.

How to apply?
Students can apply through the application form on the website per international week. Application is meant for students who for sure would like to participate in the regarding project week. Please take note of costs, study possibilities and personal circumstances before you apply. 
Once you have registered for an international week and your registration is confirmed we count on your participation. Please take note of the cancellation policy.

With your registration you agree:

  • I pay the participation fee in advance to my home university (college) or, in case, the organising partner.
  • I am aware that the price of the housing could increase due to the current economic situation. This will be announced upon confirmation of participation.
  • I agree that in case of cancellation, only 50% of the registration fee will be refunded if cancellation is done at least 4 weeks before the start of the project. After that, the total amount is non refundable.
  • I commit myself to participate in all the activities of the programme of the project
  • I will behave correctly during the whole programme.

For cancellation, the following rules apply

  • Cancellation up to 4 weeks: 50% payment due
  • Cancellation less than 4 weeks before start date of the week: full amount due

In exceptional situations for some international weeks it might be possible to cancel without fee up until a certain date, so contact team Fontys ICT Study Abroad to discuss with the organizer in case of cancellations. Both the organizer and the responsible need to be in the cancellation mail to avoid any miscommunication.

Application deadline
Note the early deadline of December 15th 2023 for all international IT weeks.

In principal we have 5 available places per project week for Fontys ICT students, so register in time!
Please note that you only apply for your first choice international week. And exceptionally you may apply for two programmes if your serious intention is to join both.

Applicants will be informed if we can send them to the regarding partner university. You will receive further information and confirmation of participation at last in January 2024 from Fontys ICT. The concerning partner university will inform participants to confirm your participation and will send the programme with necessary details shortly before the international week will take place.
We will also organise an online Information Session for participants and interested students for Q&A at Tuesday 12 December 2024 and just before departure a short meeting too. 


Study abroad experience in a week!

Do you think a semester abroad is too much or just cannot wait for it during your studies? 
You can choose for an International IT Week or join a Summer or Winter School!

Summer and Winter schools
Some partner universities are organising a Summer or Winter School. All available information is published on this website including contact details.
You can choose to participate on individual basis or with fellow students and apply directly at the partner. Participation is not organised via Fontys, but please inform us by the sign up form to arrange travel insurance offered by Fontys and reimbursement travel expenses from Fontys ICT: €100 per person per programme. 

There is no general information of the published summer or winter school programmes. Please see each page for conditions, sign up etc. 

Please find al information of the International IT Weeks above and an overview of programmes Spring 2024 below.